Monday 28 September 2015

Finished Magazine

This is my finished magazine. As you can see I changed the colours used as I thought it was more relevant and visually good. I also made the image on the front a main image, to avoid the magazine looking like a poster.

Friday 25 September 2015

Magazine Progress

I have now finished my school magazine. Along the way I made some changes like changing the main colour scheme and adding a main image on the front cover.
This is a screenshot of my old magazine and in the next post, I will show you my updated finished magazine. I asked for some feedback off my classmates and teacher about this magazine, and they said it looked too much like a poster. I then took the advice and made some changes which you will see in my next post of the finished magazine. I took the feedback and made changes that my target audience felt would make the magazine look more like a magazine and be more appealing. The changes it inspired was changing the colour scheme of the magazine and also adding a main image, to make it not look like a poster. After these decisions I did become more aware of my target audience and realised I needed to do more research into my final design.

Friday 18 September 2015


Hello, my name is Naveed Butt. I am looking forward to study media at A-level as it is something that really interests me. I also did media at GCSE and managed to get a C which I was really pleased with. I will be posting my findings and progress on my blog.